Maximize your booking potential with Expedia Group by adding rates and availability at least one year in advance.
In a recent survey, 25% of Expedia Group guests reported that they felt comfortable booking more than a year in advance.* To better meet the changing expectations of today’s guests, you need to adapt your distribution strategy across Expedia Group platforms to offer as long-term availability as possible.
If you’ve finalized your distribution and availability plans for the year ahead, now is a great time to think about long-term booking strategies. Adding availability to Expedia Group platforms a year or more in advance helps you attract guests who want to book early. Plus, these early bookings have a significant impact on your property’s success!
Janet Chen, Managing Director of Beimen WOW Poshtel, one of the Expedia Group member hotels, consulted with the Expedia Group market manager to come up with new strategies to fill their rooms in this competitive market. To maximize the booking potential, Janet’s market manager suggested a long-term booking strategy: adding rates and availability up to 12 months in advance and offering an “early bird” discount to further encourage guests to book. After completing these steps, Janet saw a 150% increase in net overnight stays and a 392% increase in revenues. Read the story here.
Update your Expedia Group rates and availability now on your HotelRunner admin dashboard easily, and don’t miss any booking opportunities!
You can also find detailed information on how to use the Bulk Updates Calendar on HotelRunner to add forward-looking rates and availability by clicking here.
*Source: Expedia Group Traveler Value Index, Spring 2022 Outlook