5 mistakes in social media marketing you should not fall into

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5 mistakes in social media marketing you should not fall into
2 min

Social media is a platform where you can promote your property or online agency thoroughly and announce your services and innovations to a wide target audience.  Social media marketing is also crucial in improving your agency’s brand awareness and reaching a higher number of potential customers.

This realm, in which thousands of companies are trying to reach their customers through different social media channels, is gradually building its own rules. Each company pays utmost attention to what they should do for successful social media marketing. Social media specialists enable companies to use social media more effectively through various strategies. However, what not to do also matters as much as what to do on social media.

As HotelRunner, we have compiled 5 mistakes you should not fall into in the name of your property or online agency when conducting social media marketing activities.

1. Focusing only on Facebook

Companies generally prioritize Facebook in their social media marketing. Having about 1.3 billion users, Facebook might deserve attention due to its potential. However, it might be a mistake to consider Facebook as a medium that will help you access your target audience entirely. You should also take into account platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram and Vine to access different customer profiles within your target audience.

2. Neglecting to allocate enough time

One needs to create a specific posting plan, and draw readers’ attention with good quality content, to manage social media successfully. It is also important to allocate sufficient time for this. You will be more likely to succeed with a strategy built by those who have knowledge of the subject.

3. Poorly-managed communication

Social media is a platform where you can communicate with your customers directly. If you overlook this and do not manage the communication properly, it is a matter of time before your company’s reputation suffers. In any case, you need to approach your followers professionally and deploy a solution-oriented and tactful attitude in your communications with them.

4. Lack of integration among social media platforms

Creating traffic to your agency’s or property’s website is among the key goals of your social media marketing activities. To achieve this, there must be a consistency and integration among your website and all individual social media channels. If you cannot achieve this, your social media efforts are likely to be in vain.

5. Account management by the wrong person

There is a huge difference between being a social media user and managing the social media marketing activities of a company. Any content shared on your social media accounts will be considered to be uttered by your property or agency. Therefore, you need to be super-careful when managing your company’s accounts on social media platforms. It is pretty useful to entrust your corporate social media accounts to professional rather than mere users.

You can promote your online agency in the digital world, enhance your brand and increase your sales by using social networks actively and properly. HotelRunner is always there for you to manage social media in the most practical way and increase your earnings. Create your HotelRunner account now and see how HotelRunner can benefit your property yourself.

More about the author
Rıza Kaynak
Director of Sales and Business Development Demand @ HotelRunner

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