It is a known fact for a long time that visual elements have a great impact on marketing. Companies that were engaged in the accommodation industry before the Internet era used to include images of their property in all kinds of their announcements to increase their sales.
However, Internet’s involvement has increased the options for actions they can take. As you know, there are special gallery structures which you can create within minutes thanks to HotelRunner, enabling you to publish photos of your property on your website. Explore new options for online presence by taking a look at the website of Hotel Centro Bodrum, which we introduced you under HotelRunner showcase.
However, in addition to your website, you have another alternative to show your hotel to your guests in a detailed way. Google business photos… Google business photos…
Although this feature of Google is open to any types of businesses, those who can benefit from it the most are companies from accommodation and service industry. How can Google’s feature work for you? Here are the answers…
A virtual tour through the property
Thanks to this feature, your guests can view indoors of your hotel elaborately, no matter how far they are from your property. It will be easier for visitors to decide on purchasing as they are able to take an interactive virtual tour within your property, who will also act as the only guides throughout the tour.
A low-cost marketing method
Preparing such a virtual tour is a low-cost activity, which is a critical detail for any property. Your virtual tour will be featured on the Internet, as long as the concept and decoration of your hotel remain the same, and bring you new reservations without causing any extra costs.
More effective than photos
Photos of your property are undoubtedly important for your potential guests. However, virtual tour matters even more for guests who want to see more than photos. Having a virtual tour within your property can also unfold answers to many possible questions of your guests.
A permanent first impression
The first impression is critical, but what is even more important is to be able to tap into the potential it holds. A virtual tour does not only create a positive first impression but also remains as a permanent memory for your guests as it is attractive and impressive. Besides, if you manage to impress them through a virtual tour, they might share this virtual experience with their friends, which is a free promotion activity for your hotel.
You can take a look at this feature presented by Google at here and think on how to use it. However, it is necessary for you to have an advanced website that has the feature of accepting online reservations to have direct sales from these virtual tours. If you have had the chance to look through HotelRunner’s features, you must have noticed that it provides even more under convenient circumstances. If you still do not have a HotelRunner account, create it today without wasting your time and start to increase your sales.