Freelancers & agency partners

Use HotelRunner and become a star agency

We know what it takes to succeed in the travel industry. Our Freelancers & Agency Partners Program delivers the integration, support, and opportunities you need to build your brand.

Travel agency partner integration

HotelRunner has everything your clients need to sell online. Our powerful Website Builder and APIs allows developers to interface the HotelRunner platform, integrate with other parties, and extend features. We will help you promote your brand, attract new clients, and complete your projects with ease.

Dedicated support

From on-boarding and launch to troubleshooting and reselling, we’ll make sure you get the most out of HotelRunner. We’ll set you up with a personal partner manager and give you access to our extensive library of resources and assets so you can learn and be there for your hotels.

Increased visibility

We have thousands of hotels across the world. When you partner with us, you align yourself with the most popular digital marketing and management platform. Grow your business with our Freelancers & Agency Partners program.

Vip access

As our partner, you’re an extension of our team. When we develop new products and services, you’ll be the first to know. Your experience will help shape HotelRunner platform in the future.

Reselling opportunities

We’ll give you the marketing and sales materials to deliver HotelRunner as a solution to your client. When you sell HotelRunner, you’ll earn up to 40% of the revenue as commission.

Ready to become an agency partner?

Apply today and let’s work together.

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