We mentioned previously the opportunities of marketing on Facebook. Facebook is without a question, a significant marketing tool for hotels. However, you must have the skill and experience to be able to use this channel to its full potential.
In this article we will provide some important tips for a healthy communication with your customers and proper management of your Facebook page. No property is exactly the same as the other. Similarly, the tips for Facebook marketing may not be the facts that will quickly apply to the entire industry. While choosing the tips we could share with you, we, as HotelRunner, tried to focus on topics that everyone can benefit from.
In addition to such general information, we will keep you updated with many other specific topics in the days to come.
Set your plan from the very beginning
As in any kind of marketing activity, you could derive many benefits from planning Facebook marketing activities from the very beginning. From the very beginning, use a calendar as a basis and try to determine the frequency of your posts; content; and appointment of a person who is responsible for their preparation, posting and follow-up. Otherwise, you could be at risk of wasting all your efforts and time because you may experience some difficulties that have not been planned in the first place.
Pay attention to images
The cover and profile photo you’ll use on your Facebook page are the first images users would see about you. And the first impression means a lot. Make sure that the cover photo on your Facebook page is not smaller than 851 x 315 pixels. For profile picture, pick an image of 180×180 pixels. Also make sure that the both images have high-quality, and represent your property properly and draw atention.
Note that the best interaction on Facebook marketing is ensured by posting of photos. So, you’ll need to aim for the images with largest and highest quality in your posts.
Posting frequency
One of the most common traps of Facebook marketing is the misperception that frequent posting brings about the best results. Quite the contrary, frequent posting would bore people who might then unlike your page. Instead of posting a lot, posting once a day or 3-5 times a week could be more effective. Put in extra efforts to make sure that each post is meticulous and attention-grabbing.
Allow interaction
The biggest advantage of social media marketing, particularly Facebook marketing, is that it allows interaction with users. Try to reply users’ comments on your page or on your posts as soon as possible, and prioritize the negative ones. However, if there is insufficient number of comments by users on your page or posts, you could encourage them to do so through questions or surveys.
The 80 / 20 rule
The 80/20 rule, an unwritten rule of social media marketing, recommends you to ensure only 20% of your posts are aimed at direct sales or marketing for your hotel. 80% of your posts, according to the rule, should consist of fun, interesting or informative content, and aim to establish a warm bound between you and users.
In the light of these tips, we believe that you could now manage your Facebook page in a more efficient way. You can also use HotelRunner for all the other topics related to the management of your page. If you still do not have an account, spend a few minutes and sign up for HotelRunner now and enjoy the increase in your sales.