Social media impact on search engine optimization

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Social media impact on search engine optimization
2 min

A short while ago, we posted an article discussing whether search engine optimization or social media is a more effective marketing method for hotels. Revealing the advantages and disadvantages of the both tools, we also shared some tips that we considered important for maximized efficiency in marketing activities.

On the other hand, it is almost impossible to distinguish these two essential digital marketing methods from each other. Research, however, shows that support of social media helps achieve the goals aimed with search engine optimization (SEO).

Let’s have a closer look at the impact of social media on SEO…

Does social media have an impact on SEO?

This is the most frequent question one would have. And the answer is clear: Yes, it does. This is confirmed both by a variety of independent research and Google, the most commonly used search engine in the world. One of the reasons for Google to open its own social network with Google+ is that it intends to enhance the search results and process more information in order to provide more substantial results. As Google takes social segments into account in searches, we should also not underestimate social media’s effect on search engine optimization.

How much does social media affect SEO studies?

Let us try to answer this question by clarifying the results of a recent Ascend2 study which provides some tangible data about the effect of social media in the report it issued after surveying 600 firms and digital marketing experts from across the world.

According to the research, 38% of the firms having a good run at SEO include social media as part of their SEO studies. 50% of the firms not considering themselves to be good at SEO admit their failure to carry out social media studies or integrate them into SEO. These figures are pretty significant, in that they reveal the impact of social media on SEO performance.

How does social media enhance SEO?

First of all, search engines consider the posts on social media as a criterion they take into account while ranking search results. In other words, if your website is frequently mentioned on social media, it would be more likely to rank on top in related search results.

Additionally, social media helps your website and message reach larger masses through users’ posts. Therefore, more people will contribute to SEO performance of your website by mentioning you more on their own websites and forums apart from social media.

What to do on social media to enhance the SEO impact

We will be discussing this more comprehensively; however, you should basically keep trying to reach a larger target audience on social media to enhance the impact of SEO studies. Then you should be able to encourage them to interact with your website via social media and share their posts accordingly. If you would like to put all these into practice it will be useful for you to create original and interesting content.

HotelRunner is more than enough for you to manage the entire digital marketing of your hotel and all the other channels easily, while helping you boast a website which accepts online reservations and which is compatible with mobile devices. Create a free of charge account now and be a witness yourself to the advantages of HotelRunner.

More about the author
Rıza Kaynak
Director of Sales and Business Development Demand @ HotelRunner

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